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Scandhof releases the website

Adam Hofmann

Sweden exports a total of SEK 2,361 billion annually. China accounts for 6% of total exports. Between the years 2019/2020, exports to China increased by a staggering 19%. The Chinese today buy more from us than Sweden buy from them.

Scandhof releases the website "sverigekina" which roughly translates to "Sweden China" and aims to be a platform for digital meetings between Sweden and China. This is one of several markets that Scandhof has a presence in, and the purpose is to build bridges between people, cultures & countries.

Go to the website to see our first online event together with China's Ambassador Gui Congyou and seven invited companies for a question and answer session on how to expand your business to China.

If you are interested in the Chinese market, you are warmly welcome to contact us at Scandhof. We assist with both large and small issues.

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